1-on-1 Grounded Foundations

A 5-Session Coaching package that offers personalized, supportive guidance to help you heal emotional eating, improve your relationship with food, and build a foundation for lasting change.



1-on-1 Balanced Body and Mind

A 9-Session Coaching package to help you find balance between your body, mind, and food. You’ll receive the support you need to heal emotional eating and embody lasting self-acceptance and balance.



1-on-1 Comprehensive Deep Dive

In this Deep Dive 12-Session container, you’ll receive personalized support to heal emotional eating, improve your relationship with food, and create lasting change beyond surface level behavioral change.



1-on-1 Focus Session

A focused, one-time session to explore the root causes of your emotional eating and create a personalized plan to begin your transformation.



More Coming Soon

Stay tuned to find out about upcoming offers.
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