On Healing Body Image
It’s hard to move in the world with a steadiness that does not falter in the face of societal pressures to be a certain way, and feeling secure in our bodies is a particularly big one. Learn the root cause that lies at the heart…
What You’re Really Avoiding When You Obsess over Food and Body
Often we look for solutions “out there” – thinking if only I could do that or have that thing outside… Then my issues would be solved. But it’s more likely the solution is simply by addressing something you’ve been avoiding.
The Weird Connection Between Your Mother and Your Relationship with Food
When it comes to emotional eating, bingeing, and other unwanted behaviours with food, for many women – it comes down to the unhealed dynamics in their relationship with their mother. Here are 2 big areas to look at.
The Hidden Impulses that Run Your Life – And How to Make Them Work For You
The beliefs that run your life (and sabotage your relationship with food) are likely ones you didn’t even know you had. Uncover these common unconscious beliefs and free yourself from patterns that don’t serve you.
The Root Cause of Your Struggles With Food – And What To Do About It
Coming to peace with body image, weight, and healing your relationship with food rests on ONE important Foundation. Even though it’s tempting to think “all I need to do to stop this problem, is by doing this”, there is more to it than that.